21st August 2015:Ten Things You Should Know This Morning
Finally Friday is here! Last Night 1824 was the place to be! #GuinnessGetBooked was an event next to none, revelers that thronged the Langata Road pub were choked with extreme FUN. Jalango, Jua Cali and generally members of the fourth estate made the night memorable. We will be updating you on that later. For now, check out the hottest stories we have for you this morning:
#3Breast Surgery Gone Bad! Vera Sidika’s Nipples Misbehave In Public (Photo)
#4Pastor Ng’ang’a’s Wife Visits Him In Police Cells Where He Spent The Night (Photos)
#6Ne-yo and Diamond to Shut Down Ignition Nairobi in Westy Tonight!
#7Standard Producer Denies Marrying Papa Shirandula’s Kawira
#8Photos Of Apostle James Ng’ang’a In Court. He Looks So Scared!
#9“Poverty Stricken Luos” Lands Mutayi Ngunyi In Big Trouble! KOT Bays For His Blood!
#10Huddah Monroe Stirs Lustful Feelings With This Declaration! This Woman Though….