2 Years After Devil Worship Leaflets Were Dropped, 17 Year Old Illuminati Teen Is Busted In Taita Taveta, His Confession Will Send Chills Down Your Spine (Photos)

He was the only one among 28 other devil worships who got busted when going on a mission to execute Lucifer’s command in Taita Taveta County.

Grisly road accident, bizarre killings and other strange stuff that scares any normal person, he confessed it all!

Sometimes in July 2013, Christians in Taita Taveta County were gripped with fear after leaflets instructing devil worship followers to attend an urgent meeting to be held at Mwambirwa Forest in Voi District were dropped.

The incident attracted the attention of the media but if faded away as time passed. Two years on, a 17-year-old teen is busted propagating Satan’s agenda in the same County.

The boy’s face was concealed by the media because he’s a minor. Anyway, the Illuminati teen says he was introduced to devil worshipping by a pastor who took advantage of his situation.

Jeremiah Mutisya says he became a devil worshipper after his parent’s marriage crumbled forcing him to drop out of A.I.C Kyome Boys’ Secondary School in Kitui County.


Jeremiah Mutisya

Mutisya claims a pastor who lied he would take him to a school in Tanzania taught him how to worship the devil alongside other 28 boys. They were made to drink human blood mixed with men’s penis, heart among other organs.

After getting enrolled to devil worship cult, they were sent to Maungu, Taita Taveta County to cause confusion among Christians by making them lazy while praying and ensure youth get into prostitution.

They also carried out rituals that caused bizarre road accidents and strange deaths. Mutisya says he first encountered ‘resistance’ when he went to a church in Maungu to confuse the pastor.


The Maungu Church Jeremiah went to confuse the pastor

He was busted when he asked for water to drink from a Christian faithful. He says he woke up from the devil-induced stupor after drinking water that was given to him. 28 other devil’s agents disappeared after Jeremiah was busted.

KTN talked to shocked Maugu resident to confirm Jeremiah’s storty when they reported about the strange incident.

Credit: KTN

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere