10 Things That Happen When A Married Woman Starts Having Sex With Another Man
First of all,let me defend the sisterhood by saying,many,many women don’t cheat. They don’t even think about it… Or spend days,like men,figuring it out in their heads.
But it’s 2016. Not 1916 anymore and women have become more liberated,more exposed and more vocal in their activities and even social – and romantic – interactions.
We even have most of them running for President or already running entire nations.
As the years have gone by,sexual promiscuity has become some sort of the norm with many marriages experiencing acute deterioration due to philandering ways and cheating and lack of loyalty.
It used to be men. It still is the men.
But now,women have let go of their inhibitions and are now stepping up the stage and even upstaging their own hubbies when it comes to maintaining a secret affair.
Men can conduct a secret affair for years and go unnoticed. But no man can beat a cheating woman.
They’re just expertly created to cheat ; you might never ever catch her or even suspect her for decades. Women can hide an affair with the efficiency of a trained Russian sleuth.
You would have to be real smart,real observant and real alert to catch your girl at the game.
But as we all know,in between his boys and his beers and his football games and his shoddiness and his endless boyish road trips,a man will never be settled enough to catch their wives cheating.
And that’s why we did this article – for you to catch her cheating while at the same time enjoying a beer,a game and a blowjob in a downtown strip club.
10 Things That Happen When A Married Woman Starts Having Sex With Another Man
1. She’s No Longer Needy
Before the affair,she used to be all over you needing your attention and also needing all sorts of things ; material and emotional. But after she’s found some other good d**k from some other dude,she suddenly becomes sort of independent. And doesn’t seem to be the desperate,needy wretch she used to be. She’s all good and quite OK all of a sudden. The neediness is gone.
2.No Longer Gets Mad At You
Women can get mad at your 24 Hours a day. And repeat the same thing the next day. And the next. And the next. But I’d she’s no longer mad at you,no longer going crazy over something you did,it might not be a very good sign. One day you wake up and she’s all happy and cool with anything you do or suggest. Doesn’t even blow up when you get home late. It could be a good thing to any man. But a dangerous thing to an unsuspecting man. Watch out.
3. Gets A Promotion
When she’s getting some good pounding out there,her career probably will improve significantly. Girl moves from junior assistant to manager to senior manager to Chief Operating Officer withing months. Or a couple years. Something’s definitely going on. Promotions don’t happen that fast. They don’t come that easy. It’s a promotion. Not a box of crayons. You either need a lot of hard work to earn one. Or to drop ’em pants for the Big Boss.
4. Becomes Way Too Nice To You
When she’s cheating,unlike men,a woman feels some deep sense of guilt. And is deeply convinced she’s doing something terribly wrong. Therefore,to cover up for the monster she has become,she becomes too nice all of a sudden. She even starts buying you little gifts and calling you nice names and becoming way too sweet and playing too nice to you. She’s making up for the witch she’s become. Don’t be fooled by the new pair of undies she’s bringing you every Tuesday.
5. Sudden Busy Schedules
Before the affair started, she wasn’t the busiest cat in town. Now, after she’s found some other pair of balls to suck and tickle,she becomes suddenly busy. She has all these meetings she’s attending and all these Sudden Chamas she joined and all these sudden work retreats. It’s a good thing to be busy. But a dangerous thing to be busy – doing the forbidden.
6. New Sexy Underwear
You will notice the new sexy lingerie she’s now buying – or bringing home. Every week,she’s going to be bringing home some extremely salacious undies and thongs and tiny panties. Red. White. Flowery. Tiny. Netty. Naughty. She’s definitely not buying all that for you,bro. Naah. Don’t be flattered. She’s pleasing someone else. Who clearly loves a new pair of panties per weekend.
7. Sudden Kinkiness and Nastiness In Bed
Before the affair, she was all lazy and clueless in bed and now,she has all these new tricks she wants you to try. You’ve never known her as the kinkiest and naughtiest in bed but now she’s coming home with all these new styles she wants you to try. She now wants to be spanked and touched on a certain way and she’s now even learned now to bend over and arch that booty up during the doggy style. She even has some sexy bedroom lingo you’ve never heard before. Someone’s definitely teaching her something. You just don’t wake up one day and become Pamela Anderson.
8. Uneasiness In Public
In public, she starts becoming uneasy and inattentive. Watch her eyes – she’s roaming her eyes and looking allover. She’s not mentally settled and doesn’t concentrate too much on what you’re saying. She probably is hoping and wishing that the man she’s secretly sleeping with doesn’t suddenly show up and go over to hug her. She seems to be too mentally engaged and even lost. Like I said,watch her eyes carefully. If they’re darting and restless,it’s about time
9. Increased Privacy
Unlike men,most women don’t bother with phone lock codes and PINs and patterns. They just leave their phones easily accessible by anyone. But if she has a new cryptic pattern on her phone. If her phone suddenly has a LOCK code or a PIN number you must apply to access it,then,the signs are not very good. Also,change of security patterns and lock codes too.
10. Paranoia
She starts becoming defensive and mad all at the same time. She treats everything you ask her as a trap and as a challenge and views you suspiciously and with trepidation. She’s paranoid and she has all these mental situations in her head… She starts a fight easily and keeps thinking you’re trying to trap or catch her. Her mood changes and her approach to issues is all too cautious and calculated. She keeps thinking you know about what she’s been up to. And therefore,she keeps creating walls and moods to ward off any unsavory discovery.