10 reasons why married women cheat

Married women cheat for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from unmet emotional needs. When a woman cheats, there’s a good chance she’s unhappy in her relationship and has given her situation a lot of thought.
Gender stereotypes breed all kinds of misconceptions, including the belief that good girls don’t cheat. No one is surprised when a man, particularly one who is good-looking and successful, strays in their relationship.
But when it comes to a woman being unfaithful, they express shock and dismay.
But what are the reasons married women cheat on their husbands? What is driving more women into the arms of other men?
Pulse Gist brings you the 10 important reasons women cheat on their husbands.
Women may not be as sex-driven as men, but they sure do crave intimacy. Just like a man feels stressed and bogged down with bills, jobs, kids and the everyday pressure to live up to expectation, most women get these feelings as well.
When such happens, she feels less desired. They then see the man outside who desires them as the real man.
The attention of another man may become irresistible if she doesn’t feel that same passion and connection at home. Low self-esteem may exacerbate the problem as being pursued by another man or engaging in a can, at least temporarily, be a real ego-booster.
Women like to share their feelings and be heard but most times, their husbands is not willing to give her a listening ear.
Some men have a limited capacity for listening, especially after years of marriage and hearing the same stories over and over again.
When another man lends a compassionate ear and asks all the right questions, a woman may begin sharing her most intimate thoughts and feelings with him instead of her husband and this harmless affair can quickly escalate into a physical one.
Most women play many roles in their family, bouncing from mother and wife to housekeeper, breadwinner, nurse and caregiver.
If a husband does not appreciate her contributions, chances are that another man will show that appreciation and she would naturally feel connected to such a man.
When a husband starts getting busier and stops noticing his wife and thanking her for all that she does, she would feel ignored and taken for granted, making it more likely that she’ll get seduced by the attention of another man.
It is a said that after years of a monogamous relationship, one or both partners may check out emotionally. Perhaps they haven’t spent enough quality time together and their interests have diverged.
They have begun living like roommates rather than husband and wife. When a wife reaches out to her husband to share her frustrations and loneliness, he is too complacent or emotionally bankrupt to work on the relationship.
All of a sudden, she starts noticing other men at work or other places and is excited to discover that they notice her, too.
And they don’t have the emotional baggage that prevents them from establishing an intimate connection with her.
Women would surely remember the good times, especially when she and her husband were dating, how her face lit up every time she saw her man, when the sex was thrilling and when a twinge of nervousness surfaced every time he called.
Living and having sex with the same person for years can get boring and predictable if both parties let it. She may feel that sizzle of new love with another man who makes grand romantic gestures to win her over.
Disillusioned by her partner’s flaws or the drudgery of daily life, she may begin looking for someone new to spice up her life.
A research on why women cheat once stated that women are most likely to cheat between the ages of 30 and 50.
This is when the mid-life crisis sets in because at these ages women may long for the days when they felt vivacious, alluring and confident.
Once the kids get older and they have more time and energy, women may try to revisit their youth.
If a husband cheats and the wife finds out, some women could feel the sense of revenge and what better way than to give him back in his own coins.
A hurt and betrayed woman is more likely to stray into the arms of another man without thinking twice.
She often feels like if my husband can do it and get away with it, why can’t I?
Maybe sex with her husband is dwindling and the fun is no more there; maybe she is not getting enough sex or the husband is not just getting her excited any longer and sex is just a monotonous part of their relationship.
In such instances, most women feel the need to explore what is out there and end up with a man who gives the kind of sex they hardly get at home.
The man outside would not mind helping her realize her sexual fantasies and trying out the sex positions she secretly hoped her husband would try out one day, and in that case, she is willing to give it a shot.
A marriage where there is domestic violence is a recipe for infidelity. If a husband is fond of beating his wife, she would definitely seek out a man who will give her the shoulder to lean on.
The innocent friendship could get physical and if care is not taken, could lead to sexual intimacy. She could also do it to prove a point to her husband, that if he hates her so much as to beat her, another man is out there who desires to comfort her.
A woman may feel the need to be adventurous; the flirting, the secret dating, the stolen sex, the sneaking around and all that.
This will give them a thrill to no end and she feels, why not give it a shot?
Women are also better at hiding their affairs. It isn’t that unusual for a woman to have an affair for years without telling a soul or giving any indication of a problem.
The secrecy may stem from cultural and social norms which demand that women remain loyal to their husbands and avoid sleeping around to protect their reputations.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla